Our beloved senior citizen! Aba lived many years on the streets in town and was known by residents for getting into the garbage bins and eating trash. Immediately after being adopted he ate a plastic bag, and after a lot of TLC he miraculously passed it through his system and recovered. Aba did 2 rides with the tour horses and decided during the 2nd tour that he was ready for retirement. Who are we to argue with this majestic old man? Aba lives for his twice daily grain and it must be served on time or he will bite. Loves to be brushed. He is indestructible, and will outlive us all.
There was a strict no mare rule until Dolly busted her way into the farm, literally. Dolly arrived during dry season in search of water and broke the fence daily to enter. Her owner asked us to take her and we accepted because Dolly had already moved herself in. Dolly is small and sassy and enjoys slipping through fences just to prove that she can. Dolly will eventually join the horse rides when she is ready, but only for petite riders. Small girl, big personality.
Negri has eye cancer and is living out the rest of his days at the farm with his retired buddy Aba and his wife Dolly. He pretends to not know the feeding schedule so that I have to go look for him twice a day and give him special attention. Enjoys bullying his pasture mates to let them know that being old and half blind doesn’t mean you can’t be a boss. Loves to take off expensive fly masks and leave them in the mud. Happily married to Dolly.