I found these three piglets in the woods next to their mom who had died giving birth to them. They were scared and starving and had been there for a few days. They were immediately elevated to farm prince and princess status. They had to be fed every few hours and needed a lot of love and care. They are extremely spoiled and know how to sit on command for treats.
Johnny’s best trick is that he knows how to twirl like the graceful ballerina that he is. He learned how to twirl for treats, so if you are eating near him he spin in continuous circles until you give in and offer him a bite. Johnny was born without the use of his two back legs. He followed his sisters dragging his back legs behind him. Piglets that are born with this condition are usually euthanized. After reading about a few piglets that were successfully rehabilitated with massage, I began massaging his tiny piglet legs regularly. He slowly started to use one leg at a time until he was completely healed! Due to his constant massage/feeding/attention early in life, Johnny is the most spoiled pig in Puerto Rico. He is a rotund king.
Peppa has always been a chonk. She is always the first to arrive when I call the pigs to feed them. Peppa was once attacked by a dog and barely survived. When I found her, she was dying, completely split open and the insides of both back legs were exposed. The vet gave her an antibiotic and told me that she would survive if I could keep her clean. Keeping a pig clean is almost impossible, so Peppa lived in my bathroom until her wounds closed. Now she is plump and healthy and spends her time grunting in the mud with her siblings.
Rosie is the shyest of the pigs, but she secretly loves belly rubs. She knows how to sit on command like a pink porky princess.
Ruby was dumped out at the beaches of the wildlife reserve where she quickly discovered that some kind humans on sailboats would give her their leftovers if she waited patiently on the beach for them every day. Their concern and love for Ruby led them to trap and transport her to Jurutungo Farm with Our Big Fat Caribbean Rescue. Ruby immediately became wise to the feeding schedule and has doubled in size. This big beautiful woman becomes VERY VOCAL if there is any suggestion that food of any kind is being distributed.